


Step 0: Read text

Step 1: Note down the gist of 1st paragraph - main idea
Step 2: Note down gist of each passage

Step 3: Listen to audio
Step 4: Write

180-225 words
Para 1: Both discuss about <main idea>. Author says <idea> but lecturer opposes. Three reasons:
Para 2: First of all, <author says so>. Lecturer counters by saying <so and so>
Similarly Para 3 and 4


Step 0: Choose a side

Step 1: Note down three points

350 words (300+ must)
Para 1: Introduction - start with “some people say <opposite of my side>”. However <write your side>.

Para 2: Point 1, Example 1. Negative example. Link it back to original idea

Para 3: Same template - Example 2

Para 4: Same template - Example 3
Para 5: Conclusion

Independent Task(独立写作)


  • 类型,分为三类:
  1. 同意 AD(Agree Or DisAgree)类
  2. 双边讨论
  3. 三选一
  • 【评分】
    • Development:有没有例子 Support
    • Organization:是否有用到词,句进行 Coherence
    • Sentence Skills:句子的结构和词汇的使用


  1. 绝对词(must)
  2. 限制词(时间限制词,空间限制词)
  3. 模糊词
  4. 必要条件(只有不玩电脑,你才能获得好成绩..)
  5. 多条陈述

作文的话,主要分为三部分:开头 → 中间段 → 结尾,下面就详细说说这三部分应该怎么写

素材 - 破题



团队 → 信任;头脑 → 技能 ; 社交 → 竞争;毅力 → 压力;权利 → 责任;环境 → 健康;就业 → 效率;文化 → 传统;金钱 → 享受



  1. academic learning

    1. more knowledge
    2. trigger interest
    3. efficiency
  2. qualities

    1. independent
    2. persistent
    3. innovative
  3. skills

    1. interpersonal skills
    2. time management skills
    3. teamwork skills
  4. professional development

    1. locate careers
    2. promote




  1. 先抛出 General Statement,给出一个大背景,逐渐压缩,压缩到我们的中心论点(从大 → 小)
  2. 反转法,先说与我们论点相反的内容,来一个 However,进行反转,让人眼前一亮
  3. 其实第三种就是 1 和 2 的结合,先从大到小的写中心论点的相反内容,用一个 However 或其他的,进行反转,说出我们的中心论点



比如说,我们要用第二种方法,那么我们可以一开始就一直夸家长对孩子有多么多么好,教会了多少多少东西,然后来个反转,However,我觉得他们并不是【the best】teachers,因为他们过于情绪化,与孩子的思维方式不同,没有足够的专业知识。

当然了,可以以【倒三角】形式去处理 Intro 部分,就是:介绍背景 + 说明另一个观点 + 反转,表明尽管如此我还是选择此观点,并说明原因

现象引入 - 背景

N,同位语,has been valued and even triggers a heated discussion over (whether/what 引导的)【题目改写】

  • 其中同位语的选择
    • N 为中性词:the foundation of a quality life
    • N 为褒义词:the objective everyone strives for


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If a person wants to be successful, he or she mustbe open-minded to new ideasandwilling to change his or her mind.

对方观点 + 自己观点

  • 对方观点:【另一个观点】,in some people’s views, xxxx
  • 自己观点:Contrary to theses people’s opinions is my perspective that …, due to…,
    • due to the contribution to 【果】
    • due to 【因】



  1. Unity - 论点,整个小段落都必须死扣论点,不能跑题
  2. Support - 例子论证你的论点【要详细,不能泛泛而谈】
  3. Coherence - 连续性,要用连词等在下一句的句子开头去承接上文
  4. Sentence Skills - 一些句子的技巧,从句啊,高级词汇之类的(这个不强求了,我感觉能保证前 2 点达到要求就很不容易了)
    1. 【替换词】,比如 history → historical events / past events


  • 泛说




  • 具体来说

需要总结前面的分论点,再重申一遍选择各分论点的优势,然后用”To conclude”等语句进行总结


  1. 段内组织:从大到小;论据按“压轴”的方式排列

  2. 重复关键词

  3. 过渡词

  4. 平行结构、代词、人称、数、时态等(句子)

    • 主语从句:That I lost my wallet made me sad. → It made me sad that I lost my wallet.
    • 宾语从句:I believe that teenagers should not have a part time job.
    • 表语从句:This is what I want./The reason is that I lost my wallet.
    • 定语从句:Tom’s mom, [who had just reached 58 last summer], passed away yesterday.
    • 同位语从句:The argument involves the recognition that Chinese students are inferior in language learning.
    • 状语从句:When I was …, I did sth.
    • Ed 可能是形容或过去分词


  1. What must be prioritized is that …/ What is equally worth discussing is
    that …
  2. Initially, / First, / To begin with,
  3. To be more specific, / Specifically, / In detail, / To explain it further…
    对比: however, / in contrast, / on the contrary ,/ on the oner nanU, o81
  4. Moreover, / Additionally,/ Furthermore,
  5. To be more specific, / Specifically, / ln detail, / To explain it further…
    对比 : however, / in contrast, / on the contrary, / on
    the other hand,


  • 开头句子,阐释段落的总论点
    • What must be prioritized is that …/ What is equally worth discussing is
      that …
  • 下面要具体来说了,用于阐释段落分论点
    • In detail, …
    • To explain it further, ….
    • Specifically, … / To be more specific, …
  • 下面要说反例了:
    • In contrast, …
    • On the contrary, …
    • However, …


  • Addition:

also, again, as well as, besides, coupled with, furthermore, in addition, likewise, moreover, similarly

  • Consequence:

accordingly, as a result, consequently, for this reason, for this purpose, hence, otherwise, so then, subsequently, therefore, thus, thereupon, wherefore

as a rule, as usual, for the most part, generally, generally speaking, ordinarily, usually

  • Exemplifying:

chiefly, especially, for instance, in particular, markedly, namely, particularly, including,

specifically, such as,

  • Illustration:

for example, for instance, for one thing, as an illustration, illustrated with, as an example, in this case

Emphasis, above all, chiefly, with attention to, especially, particularly, singularly

  • Similarity:

comparatively, coupled with, correspondingly, identically, likewise, similar, moreover, together with

  • Exception:

aside from, barring, besides, except, excepting, excluding, exclusive of, other than, outside of, save

  • Restatement:

in essence, in other words, namely, that is, that is to say, in short, in brief, to put it differently

  • Contrast and Comparison:

contrast, by the same token, conversely, instead, likewise, on one hand, on the other hand, on the contrary, rather, similarly, yet, but, however, still, nevertheless, in contrast, unfortunately

  • Sequence:

at first, first of all, to begin with, in the first place, at the same time, for now, for the time being,

the next step, in time, in turn, later on, meanwhile, next, then, soon, the meantime, later, while, earlier,

simultaneously, afterward, in conclusion, with this in mind,

  • Summarizing:

after all, all in all, all things considered, briefly, by and large, in any case, in any event,

in brief, in conclusion, on the whole, in short, in summary, in the final analysis, in the long run,

on balance, to sum up, to summarize, finally

  • Diversion:

by the way, incidentally

  • Direction:

here, there, over there, beyond, nearly, opposite, under, above,

to the left, to the right, in the distance

Intergated Essays(综合写作)

文章(看)+ 讲座(听)。驳斥文,阅读部分会在写作的时候出现(但这并不意味着我们在阅读时间可以完全不看内容,相反,我们应该把握好阅读时间了解好三个论点,抓住这三个分论点,在后面听力部分重点听这三个分论点是如何被驳斥的。



  • 开头段

The reading passage explores the issue of此处转述总的讨论话题,语法上需要填名词、名词短语或者 how / what / whether / why 引导的从句). The professor’s lecture deals with the same issue. However, he/she (请注意你必须根据说话人的声音在这两个代词间选一个,而且也正是因为上一句里已经出现了所指的人,这里才可以使用人称代词,否则语法就不正确了) thinks that **(这里填入 professor 关于讨论话题的总论点),which** contradicts what the reading states. And in the lecture,he/she (这里当然也只能选择一个代词)uses three specific points to support his/her(仍然只能选一个)idea.

  • 理由段 1

First,even though the reading passage suggests that(此处转述阅读段落中的第一个分论点,后面如果还跟有支持的句子也不妨从阅读段落里再转述一两句支持句过来),the professor argues in the lecture that (“pf”的第一个反驳分论点).This is because(转述 professor 第一个分论点后面的支持句),which means(最好能再深入写半句 professor 对其第一个分论点的支持句,但如果实在写不出了,就把前半句再转述一下). Obviously, the professor’s argument disproves ( v.证明……不正确,学术写作中的常见词,不过生活里不太常用)its counterpart(对应物,这里就是指 reading 中的第一个分论点) in the reading.

  • 理由段 2

Moreover,contrary to the statement in the reading that (转述阅读段子里的第二个分论点,如果后面还能从段子里转述过来一两句引申最好)the professor contends that(转述“pf”的第二个反驳分论点) .Then he/she supports this point with the fact that ( professor 对其第二个分论点的支持句)In other words, (继续转述)

  • 理由段 3

Finally,the professor asserts that(转述第三个反驳分论点) whereas the author of the reading claims that (转述阅读文章作者的第三个分论点). The professor proves that this claimis indefensible by pointing out that (“pf”第三个分论点的支持句)一 i. e. ,(如果这里能再引申 1~2 句就非常棒了,但实在填不出那就结束,应该字数也够了)

  • 结尾段(可选)

In conclusion,the professor clearly identifies ( v.确定) the weaknesses ( n.弱点) in thereading passage and convincingly shows that the central argument in the reading,- that is,(转述阅读文章对讨论话题的总论点)is incorrect.


作业 1

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

All university students should be required to take history courses no matter what their field of study is.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


There are many courses in the colleges.Students can choose the subjects they like to take in freely.Among these courses,history courses are the less popular ones. This is mainly because students consider that learning history is a waste of time,however,i take the opposite opinion that it is very essential for all university students to take history courses.【三个分论点】In my viewpoint, learning history can help understand the development of any fields of study,help avoid unnecessary mistakes and help become a better person.

【分论点 1】

First of all,learning historical events can help us understand the how the subject develops.It’s benefit for our further study.To be more specific,we can know how the theorems were proved and what the research methods are used to prove by the scientists. So that, we can be better master the essence of different disciplines. Take Math as an example,we often find it hard to learn the abstract knowledge,but it will be much more efficiency once we know why the theory was proposed and what problems it can solve in the scientific progress.

【分论点 2】

Secondly,people can get practical experience from history, and it can help us avoid doing wrong things,which somebody may had already done before. For example,many experiments were designed with some subtle defects.By doing these experiments,right theories can never be proved. As a result, students can save their time without doing the useless experiments repeatedly.

【分论点 3】

Also,the one who wants to become better must be good at self-reflecting skills.In order to make high-quality of introspection,we need models to make the comparison. But how to find the great models? Well, looking back the past thousands years , there were so many extraordinary people.As for me,I have learned the quality of persevere from Thomas Edison,optimistic from Helen Keller,kindness from Nightingale.


In conclusion,even though taking history courses would cost a lot of time,i think it is totally worthwhile because taking these courses not only give us credit if we pass them,but also an unmissable chance to let us learn useful skills and help us form fine characters. As a college student majoring in computer science,learning the past events can help me avoid known mistakes in coding.


It is widely acknowledged that there are many courses in college for students to choose freely. Among these courses, history is the less popular one. This is mainly because students consider that learning history is a waste of time. However, I take the opposite opinion that it is very essential for all university students to take history【三个分论点】, as learning history can help them understand the development of any fields of study, avoid unnecessary mistakes, and become a better person.


历史课就是 history,不用加 course 在后面

However 不是连词,不能连接两个句子,所以应该用点号断句,或者改用 but

标点后面要用空格,并列三个事物用 A, B, and C 的模式,注意 and 前有逗号

【分论点 1】

First of all, learning historical events can help us understand how other subjects develop, which is beneficial for our further study. To be more specific, we can know how the theorems were proved and what the research methods were used to prove them by scientists so that we can be better master the essence of different disciplines. Take Math as an example, we often find it hard to learn the abstract knowledge, but it will be much more efficient once we know why the theory was proposed and what problems it can solve in the scientific progress.

注意:一个完整的意思要用一个句子去表达,一二句、三四句就是这样,都表达一个完整的意思,所以要整合(如:so that 引导结果状语从句)。

注意词性:benefit[vt.]和 efficiency[n.]

【分论点 2】

Secondly, we can get practical experience from history, which can help us avoid making mistakes that happened before. For example, many experiments were designed with some subtle defects. By doing these experiments, right theories can never be proved. However, if students are familiar with past experiments, they can save their time without doing them repeatedly.


【分论点 3】

Also, the one who wants to become better must be good at self-reflecting skills. In order to make high-quality introspection, we need models to make the comparison. But how do we find the great models? Well, looking back the past thousand years, there were so many extraordinary people. As for me, I have learned perseverance from Thomas Edison, optimism from Helen Keller, kindness from Nightingale.



In conclusion, even though taking history classeswould cost a lot of time, i think it is totally worthwhile because taking these courses not only gives us credit if we pass them, but also lets us learn useful skills and helps us form fine characters. As a college student majoring in computer science, learning the past events can help me avoid known mistakes in coding.

Not only … but also …后面的部分必须要平行,修改后 gives 对 lets 和 helps

同样的还有 neither… nor …和 either … or …



按照黎老师的思路,其实只需要想两个理由,分别对应右边的“学习类-英语部分的 academic accumulation 等”、“生活类——工作和日常”。每个大理由再尝试拆成两个小的 reasons,对应“学习类的中文部分(知识、兴趣、效率等)”和“生活类的效率、人际、健康”。

写作的词汇和句式不是很重要,重要的是逻辑和论证的详实,逻辑是纵向的 A->B->C->D,环环相扣的感觉,比如想要表达“我喜欢喝奶茶”的原因是“我喜欢喝甜的东西”,这个逻辑在我们的思维里非常理所当然,但是写作的时候需要纵向扩展为“我喜欢喝甜的东西”->“奶茶是甜的东西”->“我喜欢喝奶茶”。逻辑链要注重纵向扩展,尽可能完整。
除此之外横向扩展也是高分的要领,横向扩展就是在 A->B->C->D 中把 B 拆分为 B1,B2,B3,用 such as,like,for example 等句式来扩展即可,比如说到 sports,就可以 such as basketball、 football and volleyball;说到压力,可以说 pressure from all aspects of their lives, including maintaining pleasant relationships with their parents, their children, their leaders and so on.
结构方面,大家一般采用的是【开头+reason1+reason2+让步+结尾】五段式,但我考试的时候时间来不及,让步的理由想得不是很充分,就把让步句写在了 reason1 的开头,感觉也是可行的。字数尽量多一些(450—600 也许更有优势?),论证尽量充分一些,不要跳逻辑,横向纵向扩展起来,分数就有保障了。
1.“agree or disagree:社会对年轻人的要求变高了”
找工作竞争变大 + 大学生进入社会后必须找到一份工作 + 社会变化激烈 → 年轻人在大学里学习一些技能,比如独立和坚持 → 对比以前找工作要求没那么高的时候,对大学生提升能力、社会适应力的要求就不那么高。
(2)社会交往日趋复杂,在社交方面对年轻人要求变高了。全球化的工作环境与生活环境,工作生活中我们都需要和更多人打交道 → 尤其对刚进入社会的年轻来说,社交技能需要花费很多时间精力学习、磨练。(可以插入例子,比如年轻团队协作办公。。)→ 对比以前,大家工作相对独立,不需要太多合作,所以对年轻人在学习社交技能上,没有那么高的要求。
然后在写的过程中,可以突出一些年轻人的特点,比如:喜欢坚持自我(对社交、合作更困难)、刚进入社会不懂谦逊(找工作、面试困难)等。 2.考试题“遇到困难应该尝试自己解决还是向其他人寻求帮助”——根据黎老师的方法破题的典型:
(1)effective,可以节省时间,避免错误(reduce time, reduce error)。因为年长的人有更多经验,问他们的时候可能会让他们想起他们的过往经历,可以基于这些给出合理的建议,提醒可能遇到的错误。举例(临时编的例子,要和前面的逻辑链一一对应):我刚参加工作的时候毫无头绪,问同事,他给我讲了他的经历,帮我分析具体问题,让我的事业起步变得轻松了,省了时间,避免了一些可能的错误。
(2)It benefits personal development,培养了与人相处的能力和 cooperative 能力(necessary skills)。当考虑如何向别人求助的时候,要斟酌 words 和 tones,尽力获得别人帮助。除此之外还要避免自己的 facial expression 和 body language 给别人造成 terrible impression。所以需要多思考和练习,可以提高与人相处的技能。In addition,在 teamwork 里面,每个人都会遇到各自的 problem,如果自己解决的话会很浪费时间,甚至会 miss deadline,但是如果大家一起解决,都提出自己的想法,可以让 projects 更顺利,每个成员也培养了 corporative 能力。这些 skills 都有助于长期的个人发展。
除此之外,可以去 tb 买 grammarly 的会员来修改语法错误,感觉比 e-rater 好用。
如果时间很充足的话,可以去看一下黎老师那本五年真题破题详解,我从后往前看了几页(总共 100 多页),按她的方法画了一下逻辑链图,看了那几页之后就觉得破题
B.综合写作:这个 part 感觉就是一个技巧性的东西,我也是看了黎老师写作的方法技巧的网课,背了她的模板,但感觉作用不大。她的模板里强调每一个听力的论点用两句话写完,但实际上有时候听力内容很多,两句话写不完。我觉得这个部分就是着重要记住听力说了什么,把逻辑推理链记下来,然后尽量多写听力内容,阅读的内容一句话概括即可。背模板感觉意义不大,只需要记住几个常用的动词和短语,如 challenge/assert/contend/suggest/cast doubt on/discredit/contradict 等,其他的内容根据具体题目自由发挥即可。综合写作我也就练了 3 篇的样子。因为打字速度足够,所以没有太多练习。字数大概在 280—320 字。总之尽量多写听力内容,字数多点没关系。



1. Speaking - Independent
Read question - statement
1 --> Opinion
a. Reason 1
i. Example 1
b. Reason 2
i. Example 2

2. Speaking - Integrated - Campus Change + Listening Opinion
Read Text
1. Identify the change
a. Reason 1
b. Reason 2
Listen Audio
2. Identify speaker’s opinion
a. Reason 1 for their opinion corresponding to 1.a
i. Detail 1
b. Reason 2 for their opinion corresponding to 1.b
ii. Detail 2

3. Speaking - Integrated - Reading passage + Listening Lecture
Read Text
1. Describe about passage - summary and one extra line
Listen Audio
2. Professor’s words
a. Professor’s first example about passage
b. Professor’s second example about passage

4. Speaking - Integrated - Listening Lecture
Listen Audio
1. Lecturer explains “SPECIFIC TERM” by giving 2 examples/an example
a. Professor’s first point, example
b. Professor’s second point, example on passage
2. Conclusion



Human Grader Weight 50%

  • Delivery
  • Language Use
  • Topic Development

Machine / Speech Rater Weight 50%

  • Fluency
  • Grammar - Vocabulary


  1. 提前张嘴说话,不要到考口语的时候才说话
  2. 展示出词汇量,尽量用高级词汇
  3. 不要重复说一个句子,说错了就算它过了,不要去试图改正它
  4. 【关键】要使用衔接句子,in general,thus,as a result,in addition,furthermore…
  5. 交替使用简单句子和复杂句,从句,连词,介词,习语…

T - 1 Personal Choice

在看到题目时,快速思考,是 Agree 还是 Disagree,Prefer 哪一种,这是不是一个 good idea,然后需要思考 2 个 Points 去支持你的说法

【Topics 选择】

考试时,这个 Points 往往是比较难想的,我们可以从以下七种 Topics 进行选择:

Effectiveness and efficiency 效率
Economy and finance 经济
Environment and health 环境健康
Equality and fairness 公平性
Feasibility and compatibility 可行性
Culture and globalization 文化
Technology and internet 科技,互联网

没有听力,简单写下两个方面观点就好,连支不支持,偏向哪方面都不用写,因为就只有 15s,时间很紧张,你根据 Reasons 也完全清楚自己是支持还是不支持,或者是偏向哪一方的了

接着重要的就是套模板了,主要分 2 类:Choice 选择 和 Agree / Disagree 类


  • 【忙碌】:you know,i am a college student in China and i major in

  • 【save time】:xxxxx, because it can save me a lot of time. You know, I am a senior student and I major in computer science. I have tons of work to do every day, like staying abreast of the latest technology, writing and debugging my code and preparing for endless exams. I spend most of my time in libraries and also, I have to do some internships in my spare time. Therefore, I really don’t have any time to waste.”

    这个段子作为一个“大理由”,可以应用在很多题型,比如:“朋友之间如果有分歧是否应该继续友谊”,如果一时组织不了正面的理由,不妨选择“不继续”,大理由就是上面的段子,现在我只需要想出一个小理由(解释)来说明为什么“不继续友谊可以 save time”,这个就非常好想了,因为有分歧时我需要花时间给朋友解释我的 idea,需要花时间解决冲突,需要花时间达到共识,所以最终的回答就是“Well, I think that it’s unnecessary to maintain the friendship(选择), because it can save me a lot of time(原因). I mean if we choose to continue to be friends, it will cost me a lot of time to explain our own ideas to each other, solve the conflicts and reach an agreement(解释).”+ 上面的段子(大理由)。也就是说在考场上其实只需要想那句“解释”,也就是把题目和 save time 连接起来的理由。

    再举一些例子,比如“是否可以让校外人士进入大学学习?”——不让,因为这样助教需要更多时间批作业,我需要排队等 professor 解答问题,不能 save time。
    “旅行时是否需要和家人保持联系?”——不要,因为会 waste me a lot of time,我只想 enjoy myself and get relaxed in the beautiful scenery,因为平时实在是太忙了,所以要更珍惜自己 travel 的时间。
    ​ “是入校选专业还是学一年再选?/是否需要修其他专业的课”——入校选/不修,因为 save time。学一年/修别的课会学很多 useless 的 knowledge,是 a waste of time.
    ​ “喜欢线上课还是线下课?”——线下,因为 save time,省掉了 check the network and devices in advance 的时间,也避免了上课过程中可能要去 fix yongnetwork or device problem 的时间,有更多时间去做上面的事情。
    ​ “要教老人用智能设备,是雇专人还是让学生去?”——专人去,学生没时间。
    ​ 如上所示,save time 和 save money 可以解决大部分相对主观的题目,但还是尽量把小理由(解释句)想得稍微有逻辑一些,看起来不那么突兀。不过很多朋友告诉我托福不是很在意逻辑,你的理由可以很主观,可以很扯淡,可能考官更在意的是你的语气语速和清晰度。我每次早上练习的时候,因为早上起得比较早路上没什么人,就直接在通勤的路上大声背,也很注意咬舌音和非咬舌音的区别,练几天会明显觉得舌头顺了。

  • 社交相关

    The first/second reason is xxx usually requires us to xxx in a group, thus we can learn cooperation and improve our interpersonal and communication skills, which are very important in our future career.


  1. Introduction

    • I agree/disagree with the idea of (doing)…
    • I personally prefer…
  2. Transition

    • I feel this way for two reasons.
  3. Reason 1

  • First,…
  • For example,…
  1. Reason 2
    • Second,…
    • For instance,…

T - 2 Campust Announcement

需要在阅读部分 + 听力部分中总结知识点,记笔记

阅读 45s + 听力 60-90s - 准备时间 30s + 答题时间 60s

记笔记方式:画个十字,左上角写文章中的主要通知内容,在它下面写为什么要通知的 2 个原因,在右上角写学生的观点(+表示同意,-表示不同意),在它下面写为什么不同意的两个原因,一般来说都是与左边的阅读中的两个观点相对应的。


Template Content Time
The reading passage (announces a change on campus/proposes a change to campus policy).
In particular… (state the change or proposal).
1.Introduce the reading passage
2.State the change or proposal
0-15 Seconds
The man/woman in the conversation is (in favor of/against) this idea.
To start he/she says that.. (explain the lot reason for their stance).
1.Transition to the conversation
2.State one speaker’s opinion
3.State one specific reason
16-35 Seconds
Secondly, he/she explains that (describe the 2nd reason for their stance) State the second specific reason 36 - 54 seconds
As you can see, the man/woman in the listening clearly agrees/disagrees with this plan. Restate the speaker’s stance 55 - 60 seconds


  1. Change
    • The announcement states that…/The university plans to………..(校园通告类)
    • The student in the letter proposes/suggests that the university……(学生写了个 letter proposal)
    • The university makes two policies to …, (校园通告类 - 2 个建议的版本 )
    • The student in the letter makes two suggestions to …,(学生 proposal - 2 个建议的版本)
  2. Two Reasons(阅读内容里的 )
    • This is because __ and __(通告和学生 proposal 型)
    • one is…., the other is….(政策类建议型)
  3. Transition
    • (disagrees) → “However, the man/woman completely disagrees with this plan.”
    • (agrees) → “In fact, the man/women completely supports this idea, because……”
    • He/she supports/opposes it for two reasons.(not officially necessary - 选择性说)
    • Two Reasons(听力对话里的)
    • First of all, she states that… + reason
    • Moreover, she points out that… + reason

T - 3 General To Specific

45/50s 阅读 + 60/90s 听力 - 准备时间 30s + 答题时间 60s


  • 抓概念的方法


  1. “this is known as”,

  2. “this is referred to as”

  3. “this is called”

  4. “people call this”

  5. “people refer to this as”




  • Stating the Term or Idea

    • “The reading is about (TERM/CONCEPT - 标题/关键词)”
  • Give a Small Amount of Detail from the Reading

    • “It states that…/,which is…..”
  • 【 or Mix into ONE sentence】

    • xxx means that + 句子
    • xxx is … + 定语从句
  • Transition

    • “The proffessor uses the xxxx to illustarte his point”
    • “The professor elaborates on this by providing two examples.”
  • Give the detail(ONE EXAMPLES)

    • “There is a kind of xxxx that xxxxx”, which…. so,….


  • First Example/First Part( TWO EXAMPLES)

    • “To begin with/ In the professor’s first example, he/she mentions that…”
  • Second Example/Second Part( TWO EXAMPLES)

    • “Next / In the second example, he/she says that…”

T - 4

一般来说是先讲一个大概的故事背景,然后给出大 topic(一般是解决方案,或者是大目的,大特征),然后会提及两个分论点【points】,在各自的 point 中一般来说如下进行:

  1. 给出【concept/name】
  2. 然后提及它的【feature/ability】
  3. 具体说特征的【function】,一般来说这里会用例子来阐释,因此这里可以标注下【eg】
  4. 最后给出【result】


  • Introduction
    • The professor in the lecture is talking about……….
  • GIve the first Example and Details
    • “First, she/he state that …./ One is …..”
      • there is a kind of +【概念或者名字】 (called xxx)that + 【有 xxx 特征】 which could + 【功能作用】,so,能够+【结果】
      • For example, 【具体例子】xxx,so,xxx
  • Give the second Example and Details
    • “Second, she/he mentions…/ The other is….”
  • Give a Short Conclusion
    • “These examples (this example) demonstrate…”(可选)